Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam sed malesuada odio. Suspendisse varius mi ac velit elementum feugiat. Nunc sit amet mollis orci, non posuere elit. Quisque tincidunt mollis justo, vitae convallis lorem eleifend sed. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque ornare nunc leo, at sodales lorem fermentum vitae.
White to move and mate in two.
Aliquam tristique, leo at efficitur scelerisque, sem mi mollis sapien, sit amet placerat ex ligula at nunc. Nulla malesuada sapien eget sapien tincidunt placerat. Curabitur mattis erat nisl, at pulvinar arcu sodales ac. Praesent consequat, nunc ac pretium lacinia, risus massa fermentum ante. In nec augue a nisi pretium porta. Duis sed orci nec nisi lacinia posuere a et nisl. Proin fermentum fringilla venenatis. Mauris tincidunt eu velit sodales venenatis. Maecenas ac ullamcorper ipsum.
How to achieve this?
With the Gutenberg editor
Click on the Toggle block inserter button (a) in the top-left corner of the page/post editor. Select the Chess diagram block (b).
Drag-drop the pieces on the board to set-up the wanted position. If the required pieces are not available, click on the Add white pieces / Add black pieces buttons (a) in the toolbar, select the type of piece to add, and then click on the squares where these pieces should be added. It is possible to switch back to the move-piece mode by clicking on the Move pieces button (b).
Alternatively, instead of manually drag-dropping each piece on the board, you can paste the FEN string representing the wanted position in the FEN field (a) in the right panel.
More information about the FEN notation here. The FEN string representing the position used in this example is:
r2qkbnr/ppp2ppp/2np4/4N3/2B1P3/2N5/PPPP1PPP/R1BbK2R w KQkq - 0 1
With the classic editor
Use the [fen]...[/fen]
shortcode to insert a chess diagram with the classic editor. The FEN string representing the chess position to display must be placed in between the [fen]...[/fen]
No chess position edit tool is provided in the classic page/post editor, thus the FEN representation of the position must be composed with an external chess program.